Moneyback Guarantee
Quite simply, we want your purchase to work for you. Our no-risk, unconditional 30-Day Money Back Guarantee allows you ample time to see if your investment in your health is doing the job you expect and deserve. If, after trying the product, you are not completely satisfied, you may exchange the item or return the product for a refund of the full purchase price (minus shipping & handling) within 30 days of the purchase. Be advised the return must be received in our warehouse prior to the end of the 30 days for your refund to be processed. Please note: The DonJoy Defiance Custom Knee Brace does not qualify for the 30 Day Money Back Guarantee because it is custom made.
If you happen to find a lower price anywhere on an identical item, just show us the price and we will match it!
Donjoystore.com works hard to bring you low prices. If you have found a better price for this item, at another authorized dealer, we will match it - Guaranteed! In order for us to match the price please email a link of the competitor's website to Service@donjoystore.com and we'll confirm their price is lower. We'll then contact you with further instructions. This is not an automated process, but we will respond as quickly as possible.
Price match guarantee is not available on Compex and Hyperice Products.
This guarantee does not apply to shipping charges. If the competitor limits quantities we reserve the right to do so as well, and if the offer is footnoted by "while supplies last", we reserve the right to confirm that the competitor still has the item in stock. Our Price Match Guarantee does not apply to competitor's bonus offers, Ebay auctions, free offers, auction websites, non-retail(wholesale) websites, private sales, special orders, typographical errors, clearance sales, liquidation sales, mail-in rebate offers, or where a service commitment is included in the transaction.
Internet competitor offers must include shipping and handling charges as the basis for comparison. Additionally, we must be able to verify that it is the exact same product in brand-new condition.
Price match guarantee does not apply to non web-based stores.
Price matching is subject to providing proof of the manufacturer's part number and availability of the product. (i.e., current dated advertisement, register receipt, copy of webpage or catalog page) of a lower price, plus your original receipt to claim your refund for previous purchases. The terms of this guarantee are subject to change without notice.