Beginner's Guide to Prevent Snowboard Injuries

Beginner Snowboarder at Slopes
By Fara Rosenzweig

Your first few times snowboarding equals many falls on your butt and hands, over and over and over--which can make newbies timid, slowing down the learning process.

But you’ve got to remember, just like any sport, snowboarding takes time and patience to master. Because of it's popularity, many beginner's strap on a board and hit the slopes only to end up getting lapped, frustrated and hurt.

You want to have fun out on the slopes, not get hurt. These tips will help you prepare for the mountains so you can enjoy the snow!

Avoid Icy Conditions

There’s nothing quite like fresh powder, but you can't win them all. Ice is a cold invitation to injury. One fall, your chances of bruising, spraining or breaking something are higher than if you're on soft, fresh snow. Plus, powder helps you make weightless carves, similar to surfing.

Check the snow report before you hit the mountains. If it says pretty icy conditions, then you should skip that day and wait till there’s fresh snow.

Look Where You Want to Go

Your eyes lead your body, so look where you want to go. Example, stand up right now, spreading your feet shoulder-width apart and relaxing your shoulders, then turn your head to the left. Notice your body's weight naturally shifted and your right shoulder moved slightly forward. If you continue to look over your left shoulder and allow your head and shoulders to rotate 180 degrees, you'll notice your weight shift onto your heels. If you look over your right shoulder, just like what you did on your left, your weight will shift onto your toes. This is heelside and toeside—common snowboarding terms. If you practice this at home, you'll have more confidence doing this on the slopes, which will help you avoid fatigue and injury.

Wear Protective Gear

Since you’re bound to fall many times your first few times, it's suggested to pick up wrist supports to prevent wrist injury. This will help your wrists from getting too banged up. The Double Wrist Wrap is highly recommended.

It's also ideal to pick up padded shorts to protect your tailbone, which can lead to serious back issues. No one will know since boarding pants are so big any way.

If you have ankle issues already, then wear an ankle support for extra stability. Snowboard boots can bother the ankle, plus you'll have a great deal of pressure on it as you transition from toeside to heelside. Try the wearing the Stabilizing Speed Pro.