
Leave the tape at home with the new POD Ankle Brace. Taping is inefficient, time consuming, and wasteful. Our Solution: new patent-pending POD Ankle Brace. POD Ankle is easy-to-use, re-usable and seamlessly integrates with all footwear.

The American Journal of Sports Medicine studied ankle bracing compared to taping and found, “The two-way analysis of variance and posthoc comparisons revealed maximal losses in taping restriction for both inversion and eversion at 20 minutes into exercise….These results suggest that the semirigid orthosis may be more effective than taping in providing initial ankle protection and in guarding against ligamentous reinjury.”


POD Ankle's unique design maintains natural motion and freedom of movement during activity, while helping prevent against ankle roll and other common ankle injuries. Combining this with lightweight construction and unmatched comfort gives athletes of all levels confidence in prevention and performance.

POD Ankle Brace's patent-pending technology is a breakthrough in ankle bracing, allowing you to leave the tape behind.