DonJoy Playmaker Knee Brace - All Questions

DonJoy Playmaker Knee Brace - Drytex Sleeve
DonJoy Playmaker Knee Brace
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I have been playing hockey for about 50 years. I have had surgery on my right knee twice about 30 years ago. I am missing my ACL and had posterior meniscus removed. Did some lateral damage playing about 8 months ago. I am looking for some increased lateral stability when playing. Will the playmaker work for this? I do not currently wear any form of brace, so my knee swells a bit every time I play. Please help and thanks
Question by: over the hill hockey on Oct 5, 2013, 7:30 AM
Over the Hill
Thank you for contacting product support. The Playmaker is a good choice. It is a comfortable brace and it protects mild to moderate ligamentous instabilities. If you are not wwearing anything now this braces will make you feel like you have some support over that ACL deficiant knee. It comes in neoprene and a drytex material and you should get the sleeve type to give you a little compression for that swelling you get. If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact us
Answer by: Admin on Oct 5, 2013, 7:30 AM
Can I use this brace with ski boots ?
Question by: Alex on Oct 12, 2013, 5:02 AM
Thank you for contacting product support. The playmaker is about 15.25" in length so depending on the length of your leg it could come right at the top of your boots. It is a soft brace so if it overlaps a little you could possibly simply tuck it in to the top of your boots. If you have a ACL injury you would want to stick with the Playmaker, but if you just have moderate ligament instability and are in need of support the DonJoy Deluxe Hinged Knee Brace is a shorter brace withou only two straps instead of the four that the playmaker has. If you have anymore questions please do not hesitate to ask.
Answer by: Admin on Oct 12, 2013, 5:02 AM
I have had acl reconstruction surgery and also some meniscus surgery about 7 months ago. I am looking to get back into playing soccer. I was origionaly not going to use a brace but my friend recommended the play maker. I do not like a huge braces but I understand the need for protection. what would b the best brace for me?
Question by: Brit on Oct 14, 2013, 10:50 AM
Thank you for contacting product support. The playmaker is an excellant choice. It provides support for moderate ACL instabilities and has our Four-Points of Leverage strapping system which is proven to help prevent ACL tears. Another good choice is the Full Force Knee Brace It is light weight and it not only has the Four-Points of Leverage, it also has our FourcePoint hinge, which protects the ACL while you are in the last degrees of extension when running. This is usually the position the leg is in when the ACL tears. The hinge creates force to slow the leg down when extending it and decreacing the force put on the ACL. If you have any other questions please do not hesitate on contacting us.
Answer by: Admin on Oct 14, 2013, 10:50 AM
Hello, I just got my Donjoy playmaker brace to play basketball to prevent injury to my mcl again. I ordered a medium since that's the size my thigh measured to. But when I walk, it still pinches me a bit on the back of my knee. I would get a large, but it wouldn't fit my calf at all. since the medium barely fits my calf and knee. do you recommend anything to stop the pinching?
Question by: Clarissa A. on Oct 20, 2013, 9:03 AM
Do you have the open back or the closed? The open tends to pinch the skin, maybe the closed would not pinch as much. The other option is to go with the Playmaker II instead. It has a soft material in the back of the brace to prevent that pinching and gathering that the neoprene can cause.
Answer by: Admin on Oct 20, 2013, 9:03 AM
My daughter is interested in the Playmaker 2. Her measurements are 21" thigh, 14.5" knee center and 12.5" calf. Should she go with a medium or some other type?
Question by: chris on Nov 5, 2013, 4:14 AM
The DonJoy Playmake 2 comes in a wrap around option. This will allow a slightly more custom fit for your daughter. The wraparound along with the strapping a medium brace should fit your daughter knee. Thank you for contacting DJO. Please feel free to give us a call if you have any further questions or concerns.
Answer by: Admin on Nov 5, 2013, 4:14 AM
I play ice hockey goalie. The butterfly style I play causes a lot of stress to my knees. A couple years ago I partially tore my MCL and I'm looking for a brace like the Playmaker to use while I'm playing. The hinges generally get in the way and make using a hinged brace almost impossible. Any guidance would be appreciated.
Question by: Chris on Nov 8, 2013, 10:12 AM
A brace with hinges is going to offer the most support to your MCL. If you choose not to go with a rigid frame brace like the Armor for ligament support (which would be recommended for contact sports), the Playmaker would be a good option for you. This brace offers a low profile design and polycentric hinges. If you need further assistance please feel free to contact us. Thank you for your question.
Answer by: Admin on Nov 8, 2013, 10:12 AM
I completely tore my acl while skiing a year ago and was operated on eight months ago, I would like to get back into skiing, however am terrified to tear my acl again, can you recommend a suitable brace to protect me from tearing my acl again.
Question by: Dolly on Dec 5, 2013, 1:51 PM
Thank you for contacting DJO. The best brace for you to use while skiing to prevent your knee from getting re-injured is the DonJoy Custom Defiance Knee Brace: This is our premiere ligament knee brace that is custom made for you only. If has our FourcePoint hinge and 4 Points of Leverage techinology that has been clinically proven to help reduce ACL tears up to 50%. If you are looking for a less expensive option we have a variety of patient ready braces including the DonJoy Armor with Fourcepoint Hinge Knee Brace: This brace has the same technology as the Defiance but you have to measure your leg in three different spots to pick a size. It has a Aluminum frame to protect from contact while you are skiing. If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to ask us
Answer by: Admin on Dec 5, 2013, 1:51 PM
what is the difference between drytex and neoprene? which one will be better for playing football?
Question by: lj on Jan 3, 2014, 8:34 PM
Neoprene is like wet suit material and Drytex is a fabric that is cooler with no laytex in it. The drytex might be cooler for football. Neoprene tends to collect sweat.
Answer by: Admin on Jan 3, 2014, 8:34 PM
Hi! I' a wrestling coach; one of my wrestler have the CLP rebuilt a few months ago, now he want to start the sport (wrestling). Which brace do you recommend? Do you thing the playmaker is good or Armor is better? Many thanks!
Question by: carlo on Mar 3, 2014, 3:22 AM
What is the CLP? I ve been a athletic trainer for 21 years and I don't think I have heard of this abreviation
Answer by: Admin on Mar 3, 2014, 3:22 AM
I recently tore my meniscus (interior) & had surgery to remove the torn ligament. I also have a completely torn ACL (since high school basketball) but did not have surgery for the torn ACL. I am active and looking for a knee brace. I enjoy Zumba, line dancing, walking, light running, light basketball & exercising at the gym. Is the Playmaker (drytex) appropriate for me? Can the Playmaker come with Force Point hinges? I am small frame 125 lbs with thigh ~ 16 1/2". Wraparound or sleeve for small leg? Please advise.
Question by: Trina on Mar 21, 2014, 6:15 AM
Thank you for your question. The PlayMaker does come with FourcePiont Hinges This would be an appropriate brace for you. For sizing, take all measurements for your leg, knee center, 6” above knee center and 6” below. If you fit well in to the small for all measurements a small would be appropriate. If you also fit into the XS or M for thigh or calf a wrap around could be better. Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions.
Answer by: Admin on Mar 21, 2014, 6:15 AM

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