Which Elbow Brace is Right for Me?
From hyperextension, overuse, tendinitis or tennis/golf elbow, wearing an elbow brace that offers compression and support can help alleviate pain and speed up recovery.
An elastic armband, which wraps around the forearm — just below the injured elbow — helps alleviate pain and keeps inflammation at a minimum. Ideal for those with golfer’s/tennis elbow or needs temporary pain relief due to tendonitis.
Elbow Pad/Sleeve
Designed for comfort and compression, an elbow sleeve or elbow pad protects athlete’s elbow during physical activity. This kind of bracing keeps the elbow stabilized and pain at a minimum. Great for volleyball, basketball or even during job-related activities that require cushioning elbow protection.
Hinged Elbow Brace
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Support for injured and recovering elbows with hyperextension stops
New & Improved Bionic Elbow II Available in black, featuring:
- Reinforced hinged pocket
- Shorter length
- Elbow crease cutout
- Non-stretch cross-straps
A hinged elbow brace is ideal for supporting a hyperextended elbow. Bilateral hinges help manage elbow extension and flexion with stops to support unstable elbows. This type of brace is ideal for a previously hyperextended elbow looking for additional protection during sport as well as for a recently injured elbow as it recovers.