Tennis Ankle Injuries - Do I need an ankle brace?
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We are often asked about the importance of wearing an ankle brace or ankle support for tennis or other court sports. There are usually two groups of people:
1. Those that have never sprained their ankle
2. Those that have sprained their ankle in the past
For those of you in the group that have never sprained your ankle the only reason you'd consider wearing an ankle brace is for prevention. So is worth strapping on an ankle brace just as a precautionary measure? To you I say yes. It only takes one ankle sprain to make you more suceptable to ankle sprains in the future. In other words, the more you sprain your ankle the more you will sprain your ankle.
Now that you are aware of how common ankle sprains are, you should be convinced you might want to get a pair of ankle braces. Note we recommend wearing braces on both ankles even if you only have issues in one of them. You want to be balanced and protect your good ankle as well.
So which ankle brace is best for tennis?
All around ankle stability:
Aircast A60 Ankle Brace - Worn by pro Andrew Murray - Lightweight, good stability, slim fit
DonJoy Stabilizing Ankle Brace - Lightweight, good stability, slim fit - very similar to if not a tad better than the popular ASO ankle brace used by a lot of tennis players.
Kallassy Ankle Brace -Worn by a lot of pros including Michael Chang - Made from a sock of neoprene, but very comfortable. Similar feeling to an athletic tape job.
For Extra ankle stability -
DonJoy Velocity Ankle Brace - This brace is truly the sturdiest brace on most comfortable brace on the market. It is a bit bulkier than some fo the softer braces listed above, but slimmer than all the other hard shell ankle braces on the market. If you are suceptable to ankle injuries you need this brace - DonJoy did a great job on this one.
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Follow our size chart on selecting the size that fits you:
Mens Shoe Size / Women's Shoe Size / Aircast A60 Size
Mens Up to 7 / Womens 5-8.5 / Small
Mens 7.5-11.5 / Womens 9-13 / Medium
Mens 12+ / Womens 13.5+ / Large
I want to buy your A60
I m wearing uk 8 shoe size
Mens Shoe Size
Small - Up to 7
Medium - 7.5 - 11.5
Large - 12+
Womens Shoe Size
Small - 5-8.5
Medium - 9-13
Large - 13.5+
No, ankle braces do not help relieve pain from shin splints. Talk to your physician about the best treatment for shin splints. Try rest and ice to bring down inflammation and wearing a compression shin splint sleeve may help.